Last Modified: 2020-04-27
Does your application suffer from slow file uploads? Do the uploads seem to get slower as the file size gets larger? Do some users experience even slower uploads based on their geographic location? Are you looking for a better, stronger, faster way to speed up file uploads? Well, I have a potential solution for you! Let me introduce Amazon Web Service (AWS) S3 presigned URLs...
In many traditional applications a client (browser, desktop, mobile, CLI) uploads files to an application server such as Apache, Nginx, or perhaps a custom application written in Java, C#, Node.JS, etc... In any of these scenarios we will likely see the application rely on writing to a local filesystem, or perhaps it already writes the file to an existing S3 bucket. In either case, the upload speed may suffer for a variety of reasons. It could be that the application is simply undersized or written inefficiently for large file uploads. Maybe the underlying filesystem is slow or resource constrained. Or perhaps you are just trying to move bytes from one geographic location to another on the other side of the planet. Here is where leveraging presigned S3 URLs for uploads can save the day...
A presigned S3 URL is simply a pre-authenticated URL with an pre determined expiration that can be used to read or write a file directly from an S3 bucket. The purpose of the presigning is that an authorized backend application with appropriate IAM permissions will build a temporary presigned URL to an otherwise private S3 bucket. Working with a presigned URL is usually a two-step process. The client must first communicate with a trusted backend application to obtain a presigned URL. Next, the client can then use the temporary URL before the expiration time to perform the direct S3 operation such as a PUT
in our example below.
There are at least three main benefits to using a presigned URL for uploads as opposed to a traditional application.
All operations were performed with the same ~415MB ZIP file.
Browser Location (Midwest USA) | S3 bucket region | Acceleration Endpoint | Upload Time |
~190 miles from Ohio | us-east-2 (Ohio) |
No | ~19 secs |
~190 miles from Ohio | us-east-2 (Ohio) |
Yes | ~19 secs |
~2200 miles from Oregon | us-west-2 (Oregon) |
No | ~1.3 mins |
~2200 miles from Oregon | us-west-2 (Oregon) |
Yes | ~19 secs |
What we can see is that being further away from the upload endpoint makes a difference when we do not use the transfer acceleration endpoints. When possible, try to use the transfer acceleration URLs. Note: This must be explicitly enabled on your S3 bucket(s) before you can use this feature.
For comparison's sake, at a recent client engagement I was tasked with investigating these exact improvements as compared to the existing application. Shockingly, the client's application would perform progressively slower as the file size increased. So how does it compare?
Existing Client Application: ~3.8 minutes!
It is important for me to mention that the application is running within the AWS us-east-1
region. Although this is further than the us-east-2
S3 test bucket above, it does not account for the nearly 3x increase in time. Given these findings and subsequent implementation I was able to significantly improve the user's experience when uploading these large files.
Below is an example using the AWS SDK for Java 2. Note: There are similar ways to accomplish this with the other AWS SDKs.
Our example (available on GitHub) uses SpringBoot MVC to build a simple demo.
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
String awsAccessKey;
String awsSecretKey;
String bucketName;
String bucketRegion;
/** Serves the src/main/resources/templates/index.html template */
public String appEntryPoint() {
return "index";
/** REST endpoint to obtain a presigned url to S3 */
@GetMapping(value = "/signedUploadUrls", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public PresignedUrlResponse getPresignedUrls(@RequestParam String fileName) throws Exception {
PresignedUrlResponse response = PresignedUrlResponse.builder()
.urlWithoutAcceleration(presignedUploadUrl(fileName, config -> config.accelerateModeEnabled(false)))
.urlWithAcceleration(presignedUploadUrl(fileName, config -> config.accelerateModeEnabled(true)))
.build();"Response: {}", response);
return response;
/** Helper function to build presigned URL with customized `S3Configuration` */
private PresignedUrlResponse.PresignedUrl presignedUploadUrl(String objectKey, Consumer<S3Configuration.Builder> s3Configuration) {
S3Configuration.Builder builder = S3Configuration.builder();
S3Configuration configuration =;
AwsCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider =
StaticCredentialsProvider.create(AwsBasicCredentials.create(awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey));
S3Presigner s3Presigner =
PresignedPutObjectRequest presignedRequest = s3Presigner.presignPutObject(x -> x.signatureDuration(Duration.ofMinutes(1))
.putObjectRequest(r -> r.bucket(bucketName).key(objectKey)));
// It is recommended to close the S3Presigner when it is done being used, because some credential
// providers (e.g. if your AWS profile is configured to assume an STS role) require system resources
// that need to be freed. If you are using one S3Presigner per application (as recommended), this
// usually is not needed.
return PresignedUrlResponse.PresignedUrl.builder()
/** Simple Response Object */
public static class PresignedUrlResponse {
private PresignedUrl urlWithoutAcceleration;
private PresignedUrl urlWithAcceleration;
public static class PresignedUrl {
private String url;
private String method;
private Map<String, List<String>> headers;
private Instant expiration;
In this simple web application we have two endpoints. The first is the @GetMapping("/")
that returns a very simple HTML page with an upload form. The second endpoint @GetMapping(value = "/signedUploadUrls", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
is where we build some presigned URLS. This example actually builds two presigned URLs. One uses transfer acceleration and the other does not. This is so we can demonstrate subsequent uploads from the browser to see how the speed differs depending on location.
If you intend to use presigned URLS from a browser you must ensure you enable the appropriate Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) policy on your S3 bucket. Be sure to restrict the AllowedOrigin
to only those domains your app should trust. For more details please see the official AWS documentation.
Until next time.. Enjoy your new fast uploads! :)